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Clifford A. Barbarick

Cliff Barbarick is Associate Professor in the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry at Abilene Christian University. He also serves in ACU’s Adams Center for Teaching and Learning as the Director of Faculty Development. In this role, he oversees new faculty orientation and other programs to support faculty members’ pedagogical, scholarly, and spiritual development. His recent research in the work of Wendell Berry informs his understanding of the flourishing God intends for his whole creation.


Trauma-Informed Pedagogy During Times of Crisis: Creating Learning Environments, Space for Self-Care, and Time for Reflection and Action

Volume 1 | June 6, 2022

Theme: Pedagogy

Discipline: Psychology, Theology


Caring for Faculty During Times of Trauma

Volume 1 | June 6, 2022

Theme: Pedagogy, Vocation

Discipline: Psychology, Theology

The last year prompted faculty to recognize that, when thinking about trauma-informed care, we not only need to be aware of the trauma that students are experiencing; faculty are also experiencing trauma in ways that we need to address. It might not always be acute trauma, such as losing a loved one. Certainly, faculty are…


A Brief Introduction to Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Volume 1 | June 6, 2022

Theme: Pedagogy

Discipline: Psychology, Theology

In a recent article, Graduate Theological Union professor Jennifer Davidson described an experience that many who have been teaching over the past two years will readily recognize: I felt exhausted, disconnected, numb, and hopeless. I remember the difficulty of slogging into the classroom to teach . . . even though the classroom is one the…

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