Religion & Politics
Caesar, Christ, and the Restoration of the Golden Age
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Religion & Politics
Discipline: Western Antiquity
The idea that we are a shadow of what we once were, that humanity has in some way deteriorated from an earlier superior state, is at least as old as European literature itself. In the Iliad, Homer observes several times that two modern men could not even lift the stones that his ancient heroes tossed…
Christian Higher Education: Questioning Assumptions and the Asymptote of Truth
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Christian Higher Education, Religion & Politics
Discipline: American Religious History
A Different Direction
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Religion & Politics
Discipline: American Religious History
Imagine with me an evangelical coming of age in the 1970s. Let’s call her Rachel. Her father was an independent Baptist pastor in southern Illinois, someone more interested in the prophecies of the book of Revelation than in Republican Party politics. Rachel’s parents wanted her to attend Moody Bible Institute, as they had, but she…
White Evangelical Alignment with Political Forces of Our Time
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Religion & Politics
Discipline: American Religious History
“The Myth of the Eternal Return”: From the Primitives to American Religion and Politics and Points In Between
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Religion & Politics
Discipline: American Religious History
The noted phenomenologist of religion, Mircea Eliade called it “the myth of the eternal return”—the attempt on the part of those he describes as primitive people to escape their own profane time, their own historical moment, and to live in the beginning of time, in the primordium, in the time of creation. When Eliade uses…