Gregory E. Sterling
Gregory E. Sterling is the Rev. Henry L. Slack Dean and the Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament at Yale Divinity School. A specialist in Hellenistic Judaism and Early Christianity, he has focused his research on the interactions of Jews and Christians within the larger Greco-Roman world, especially in the areas of historiography and philosophy. He is the author of three books with a fourth forthcoming, more than 100 scholarly articles and chapters, the editor or co-editor of five books, and the editor or co-editor of three major series that now include 40 volumes.

Biblical Studies: An Asset or Liability for People of Faith?
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
One of the touchstones of Protestant traditions like the Churches of Christ is the importance of the Bible. Within churches, the Bible is read as Holy Scripture that discloses divine will. Within seminaries and universities, the Bible is read through the lens of biblical studies, and it is evaluated critically. Does biblical studies as a…
Introduction to Biblical Studies: An Asset or Liability for People of Faith?
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
A friend of mine, who is the past chairperson of the board of trustees for an Ivy League university—not Yale, in case you are wondering—recently read a book, which was an introduction to the Bible. He and I chat routinely, and he said, “It seems to me that biblical scholars have created sophisticated barriers that…