Carl R. Holladay
Carl R. Holladay is a retired professor of New Testament who taught at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta. His recent publications include a volume of collected essays Hellenistic Jewish Literature and the New Testament (2021), Introduction to the New Testament: Reference Edition (2017), and Acts: A Commentary (2016). He served as president of the international Society for New Testament Studies in 2016–17. He now resides in Durham, N.C.

Biblical Studies: An Asset or Liability for People of Faith?
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
One of the touchstones of Protestant traditions like the Churches of Christ is the importance of the Bible. Within churches, the Bible is read as Holy Scripture that discloses divine will. Within seminaries and universities, the Bible is read through the lens of biblical studies, and it is evaluated critically. Does biblical studies as a…
Biblical Scholarship: Bane or Blessing?
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
Since I was a college debater at Freed-Hardeman and Abilene Christian, I will frame my argument as a debate proposition: Resolved: Biblical scholarship is essential to the life of faith. “Essential” is a key term—it is essential in the sense that it is inherent (i.e., that it directly relates to the essence of faith), but…