Amanda Jo Pittman
Amanda Jo Pittman is Associate Professor and the Associate Chair of the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry at Abilene Christian University. Her research at the intersection of Christian practice and the New Testament appears in Religious Education, Restoration Quarterly, and The International Journey of Christianity & Education. Her scholarship seeks to integrate the insights of practical theology and New Testament Studies, particularly of Luke and Acts, in service of Christian formation.

Biblical Studies: An Asset or Liability for People of Faith?
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
One of the touchstones of Protestant traditions like the Churches of Christ is the importance of the Bible. Within churches, the Bible is read as Holy Scripture that discloses divine will. Within seminaries and universities, the Bible is read through the lens of biblical studies, and it is evaluated critically. Does biblical studies as a…
A Case for Biblical Studies as Asset to People of Faith
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, Debate
Discipline: Religious Studies
In any given academic year, I read the New Testament with 200 nineteen year olds. Some of them bring Bibles that are still shrink wrapped, purchased only as a required text for a required class. They sit next to peers who quite literally cut their teeth in cradle roll on those little leather New Testaments.…