Mark W, Hamilton
Mark Hamilton is the Robert and Kay Onstead Professor of Biblical Studies in the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University. He is the author or editor of eleven books, including most recently Jesus, King of Strangers (Eerdmans 2019) and In the Shadow of Empire: Israel and Judah in the Long Sixth Century BCE (edited with Pamela Barmash, SBL 2021). He is currently writing a commentary on Genesis and essays on the impact of forced migration on prophetic and narrative texts from ancient Israel. Never officially a student of Tom Olbricht’s, Mark nevertheless has learned from Tom in countless ways over the past three decades.

Thomas H. Olbricht: In Memory of a Life Well Lived
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: In Memoriam
During the 2021 Christian Scholars’ Conference at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, a group of scholars presented their reflections on the life and work of Thomas H. Olbricht, the namesake of the conference, who had died a few months earlier. Speaking for many at the conference and around the world, these scholars sought to find…
Tom Olbricht as Interpreter of the Old Testament
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Theme: Biblical Scholarship, In Memoriam
Discipline: Religious Studies
The editor of Ecclesiastes spoke of Qohelet as one who “sought to find pleasing words and to write true words.” That tribute to his teacher certainly applies to ours as well. Thomas H. Olbricht sought to integrate his own life, the ongoing history of his ecclesial family, and the Bible into a coherent whole. Part…