White Evangelical Alignment with Political Forces of Our Time
Volume 1 | June 6, 2022
Molly Worthen, Author
John Fea, Author
Randall Balmer, Author
Richard T. Hughes, Author
Theme: Religion & Politics
Discipline: American Religious History

About Molly Worthen
Molly Worthen is Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on North American religious and intellectual history, and she is the author of The Man On Whom Nothing Was Lost: The Grand Strategy of Charles Hill (Houghton Mifflin, 2006) and Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism (Oxford University Press, 2013). She is currently writing a book about the history of political and religious charisma in America.

About John Fea
John Fea is Professor of American History and Chair of the History Department at Messiah University. He is the author or editor of six books including Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump (Eerdmans, 2018); The Bible Cause: A History of the American Bible Society (Oxford University Press, 2016); and The Way of Improvement Leads Home: Philip Vickers Fithian and the Rural Enlightenment in Early America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008).

About Randall Balmer
Randall Balmer holds the John Phillips Chair in Religion at Dartmouth. He has published more than a dozen books, including Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter (Basic Books, 2014), God in the White House: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush (HarperOne, 2008), and The Making of Evangelicalism: From Revivalism to Politics and Beyond (Baylor University Press, 2010). His second book, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America (Oxford University Press, 1989), now in its fifth edition, was made into an award-winning, three-part documentary for PBS.

About Richard T. Hughes
Richard Hughes serves as Scholar in Residence in both the Center for Christianity and Scholarship and the College of Bible and Ministry at Lipscomb University. He has worked at the intersection of religion and American culture over the course of a 50-year career, specializing in the history of Churches of Christ, religion and American identity, religion and race in America, religion and American higher education, and the role of Christian primitivism in American life. He is the author, co-author, or editor of 18 books including Reviving the Ancient Faith: The Story of Churches of Christ in America (Eerdmans, 1996); Myths America Lives By: White Supremacy and the Stories that Give Us Meaning (University of Illinois Press, 2018); and The Grace of Troublesome Questions: Vocation, Restoration, and Race (Abilene Christian University Press, 2022).
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